Image by Bev Trayner via Flickr
After joining the Blogcatalog and Mybloglog blog directory,a new blogger should try to enroll his/her blog in some more directories.There are many all over the internet.Rather there are so many that it's very hard to keep track of all of them.And it's not necessary either.
In my opinion,after Mybloglog and blogcatalog comes the and of them function in a very similar way.
Both of them shows the number of unique visitors,total visitors,page views to your blog,which gives a new blogger a rough assessment of the traffic,to his/her blog.Initially,for any individual new to blogging it's rather difficult to understand the graphics and charts of google analytics.But keep this in mind,in the long run, google analytics is a must for any blog.
Another important feature of this two blog directories is that they being well established directories,your link page in these directories is quickly indexed by google,bing and other search engines.
Lastly the tracker code placed in your blog,shows the ranking of your blog,which is very frequently updated depending upon the traffic statistics.
Personal note:very important directories,a must for every new blogger.
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