Image by emdot via Flickr
This job search engine,seems to be a better version than the search engine mentioned in my previous post,and more user friendly.In this job discovery engine,they have provided a large search box,where they have given the option to paste the entire resume.You can also post the location,that is where you want the job.
By using the topic extraction technology,they index the jobs,as per your requirement.Although they provide the option for pasting your entire resume,i would suggest to write only the important key-words,that is your qualification[basic,higher,masters],your age,other qualifications,desired salary etc,for better results.Although this is only my personal opinion and experience.
Each of the results,of your desired search is followed by a 'find similar jobs' virtual key.By clicking on this key you can make you can make your search more specific.
personal note:very useful,perhaps the only job search,where you can paste your entire resume.
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